
Diving safety rules

  1. Attend diving courses, SVP, Oxygen First Aid, as well as refresher courses with qualified instructors.
  2. Undergo annual fitness-to-dive medical check-ups (including after illness or injury, or if medication is required).
  3. Stay hydrated by drinking water regularly. Avoid alcohol and intense exercise before and after the dive.
  4. Always check the good condition and proper functioning of all the equipment, both your own and that of your partner. Make sure it is suitable for the planned dive.
  5. Wear a vest, double regulator, pressure gauge and knife; Also, take a depth gauge, watch and tables with you, even if you use a dive computer.
  6. Always dive in favorable sea and weather conditions, with a dive buddy and always with adequate surface support. Use a surface buoy.
  7. Immerse yourself within the appropriate limits provided by the training itself. Avoid yo-yo dive profiles and never hold your breath while ascending.
  8. Ascend at a maximum speed of 18 meters per minute, using the most current decompression models and prioritizing the most "conservative" levels. Or what your dive computer says.
  9. In case of suspected ED, administer oxygen to the 100% immediately and with the appropriate regulator, for the necessary time. Do not attempt recompression procedures in the water.
  10. Before flying, follow the recommendations to wait at least 12 hours in the case of a single dive, and at least 24 hours after repetitive and/or decompression dives.
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